A Guide to Beautifying Yourself with Milk and Honey

Unbeknownst to many, milk and honey can significantly beautify one’s appearance, principally for the reason that they work hand in hand in radiating the skin.  If you are curious on how these two ingredients work efficiently together, you need not look any further – milk has lactic acid, which is an effectual chemical compound in preventing and removing dead cells.  This function of the lactic acid allows the moisturizing properties of honey to make its way into the skin completely. 

Aside from providing a silky-smooth skin, other wonderful benefits of milk and honey’s chemical properties include the following:

  • Enhancing the lustrous properties of the hair
  • Promoting healthy and strong hair growth
  • Soothing and healing sunburns, and
  • Healing dry skin

With regard to the effects of milk and honey on hair, it is worth noting that honey has the ability to dampen and coat the hair shaft, make the locks smoother, and prevent split ends.  On the other hand, milk is capable of getting rid of the styling-product upsurge that can stultify strands.  In addition, it prevents the increase of dead scalp cells, which in turn enhances the growth of healthy hair. 

In addition, the combining powers of milk and honey assure healthier, stronger, and shinier locks.  Concerning the ingredients’ effect on the skin, it is important to consider that honey has been widely used in alleviating the redness, sunburns, and dryness throughout history.  Moreover, recent studies have proven that minor burns repair faster when coated with honey, primarily because of its antimicrobial and moisturizing properties.  Meanwhile, milk has anti-inflammatory benefits that can considerably relieve the skin after too much sun exposure. 


Article Courtesy of the National Honey Board