Happy Anniversary to Us

Thank You for Your Support!

We are proud to announce the first anniversary of our retail location. A huge thank you to all of our loyal customers for making it a great year! As part of our mission, Georgia Honey Farm is committed to supplying the best quality raw and natural honey. In celebration, we would like to share some of the wonderful ways we have accomplished our goals to support the well-being and health of our community both locally in Georgia and across the country.          

  • Educating the public on honey bees, beekeeping and environmental concerns affecting honey bees
  • Providing healthier lifestyle choices- promoting the use of honey as a substitute for sugar or relief from allergies
  • Offering customized gift bags and baskets for special events- weddings, baptisms, holidays, hospitals, corporate and school events

We are so happy that we have made it through our first year and look forward to a prosperous future to continuing serving you!

Photo and Feature Credit: Atlanta Magazine